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DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
8:02 AM
A multi-format ebook reader for iPhone and iPod Touch.Easily read and download electronic books with pictures in a variety of formats. Ebooks in text, HTML, Palm (see below), FB2, and other formats are supported. Even large, multi-megabyte e-text files open and display to the reader in seconds. Create named bookmarks to keep your place in any file type, and customize font and color themes for maximum comfort. Navigate through links in files and open website and email links in Safari or Mail (new in v1.2).PalmOS Format Support:Supported Palm ebook formats currently include Plucker, PalmDoc (Aportis), and many non-DRM (non-encrypted) Mobi files. Most purchased Mobi files including those from will not work. Anything which required a "PID" or "reader ID" at time of purchase will not work. Notably, purchased Mobi files from and the Baen Free Library DO work fine. Other PDB and PRC file types including iSilo and eReader are NOT supported at this time.Downloading e-book files:A WiFi network is required to transfer books between your device and your home computer. Books are downloaded from your own Windows, Mac, or Linux computer using the free ShelfServer application (see, or directly from several online book sites which support the ShelfServer protocol (see website for full details). Note that downloading books from standards websites directly to your iPhone is not supported at this time. A ShelfServer must be used either on your computer or provided specially by the site you're visiting.Other features:Reading in Airplane Mode is no problem. This App is exclusive content of Aloware!! Don't Copy Our Stuff!!Download it Now!!
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