Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
3:52 PM
All the essential Australian weather information you need in the palm of your hand - presented quickly, clearly and elegantly.!!! NEW FEATURE !!! Forecasts have been extended to 7 days for many regional locations. Further significant and useful enhancements are also in the pipeline, due shortly and will also be free for existing users.WHAT IT HAS:* Forecasts - so you know what to expect* Current Weather - so you know what is happening now* Animated Radar - so you know where it is raining, and whether it is heading your wayWHAT IT DOES:This application provides frequently updated weather forecasts, observations and radar loops from official Australian Bureau of Meteorology sources.WHY YOU WOULD WANT IT:The weather information it provides is of much higher quality, immediacy and relevance than what is provided by US weather suppliers via the built-in iPhone weather application. It also includes important local current weather warnings and alerts for capital cities.MORE DETAILS:Forecasts of up to 7 days are available for most Australian cities, and observations of current temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall are typically updated at least once every 10 minutes (less often for smaller locations). If you are interested in capital city weather, you will often see actual official measurements only minutes after they are taken. Also, this application shows you exactly how long ago the observations were made - no need to wonder whether the temperature and rainfall observations you are seeing were taken hours ago.More than 200 Australian towns and cities are available in this application, and the user can compile a short-list of favourite places for quickest possible viewing. If you are only interested in one city, you get back to that city straight away the next time you run the application.About 50 different radars around mainland Australia have been included, with selectable ranges from 64km to 512km range. The radar view also has a "Locate Me" feature which queries the iPhone's GPS and then centres the radar map on your current location along with an animated crosshair cursor. So no need to lose your location within a heavy rain band.
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