Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
1:54 PM
View firearms and listen to accurately recorded sounds of them with and without a real commercial or military silencer / suppressor. Unlike many gun sounds in the movies, these are real. There are almost 50 unique sounds included (Almost 25 weapons and suppressed / unsuppressed sounds for many). .22lr M16, AAC Prodigy silencer, McMillan Tac-50, AAC Cyclops silencer, AK47, AK74, AAC Krinkov silencer, Barrett M107, FN P90, M3 Grease Gun, HK-416, AAC SPR/M4 silencer, HK-UMP, KAC PDW 6.5mm, KAC SR-16, KAC SR-25, M16 CQBR, AAC M4-2000, M2-HB 50 BMG belt fed, FN M240 belt fed, HK-MP5, HK-MP7, AAC MP7-SD2, Russian PKM GPMG 7.62x54, Stoner-63A, Stoner LMG belt fed, UZI 9mm, AAC Avenger silencer.Many are full auto.This is not a game, but a reference application for those interested in these weapons.
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