Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
9:00 AM
Version 1.1 Update Now Released! The update includes:• Original musical score, by Voodoo Highway Music• Dexterity now factors more heavily into the “to-hit” roll• World-wide rankings/leaderboard system for single game and overall.• D-pad movement controls have been substantially improved• New character portraits• You can now change difficulty level after a restart• You can now restart with same character after a completed game• Feedback system for button/control misses added• Vibration can now be toggled on/off• New game font for more ‘role play’ feel• To prevent mis-taps on potions, you must now double-tap to use a potion when health/vitality is above 50%• Treasure tables updated with unique items (purple) for lower level creatures ultra rares (gold) for higher level creatures• Several spelling errors correctedAbout the GameUnderworlds is the premiere role-playing adventure game on the iPhone/iPod Touch!Your Quest...You are the guard of McTavish's traveling caravan, carving out a comfortable existence by taking odd jobs and protecting against the occasional Orc raider when a mysterious attack on the nearby town of Albrect compels you to lend your blade to the good townspeople.Your Enemy...It's not just rats that plague the Happy Cadaver Inn. Denizens of hell are seeping through to the world of mortals! During your journey you'll face a horde of gruesome enemies...and their wicked overlords!Your Skills...The experience you gain during your adventure lets you learn powerful offensive feats like Slash, Shield Bash, and Berserk or advance in the healing arts to gain Health and Vitality Boosts. As you increase in level, you can upgrade your existing Feats or add new ones. The active combat feats feature graphically stunning on-screen special effects to help make your battles even more heart-pounding and exhilarating.As you progress you can choose exactly how to improve your character's abilities. Hone your strength to become a real bruiser, become nimble and accurate by focusing on dexterity, increase intelligence to unlock more feats, or work on your constitution to better withstand the onslaught of the undead.Features:• An iPhone/iPod Touch exclusive release! The game was designed around the powerful Touch controls of the iPhone/iPod Touch• Fully configurable controls for right or left hand play, use a virtual direction pad or just touch where you want to go• Customize your character's attributes and feats to suit your play-style• Advance your characterís abilities while you explore mysterious graveyards, dark chambers and dangerous crypts• Test your skill on 4 difficulty settings, including the extreme difficulty challenge• Find thousands of unique armor and weapons to use or trade for gold• Discover hidden traps and treasures• Choose from two simple, smooth control schemes to make play easy at home or on the go• Save your progress at any time or restart with your current experience and items• Enjoy Underworlds again and again - play through multiple times, on different skills levels.
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