Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
5:33 PM
If the application crashes after you apply the update, delete and reinstall Fake-An-Excuse (you will not be charged a second time).We are sorry for the inconvenience. An update has been submitted to Apple and the bug will be resolved soon.Have you ever been in a phone conversation that just wouldn't end? Do you find it hard to think of a good way to hang up without sounding rude? Download Fake-An-Excuse today, and let your iPhone excuse you from any situation!Fake-An-Excuse comes packed with over 45 realistic sounds to help you escape from prolonged calls. Killer bee attack, being pulled over, weak signal, government wire-taps.. Fake-An-Excuse will get you off the phone in no time!Here's how to best use Fake-An-Excuse:On non iPhone calls: Simply select the excuse sound you want to play, hold your iPod Touch or iPhone near the receiver, hit the Start Excuse button and your excuse begins! On iPhone calls: Right after dialing, or when you finally decide you need to Fake-An-Excuse, put the call on speakerphone. Hit the iPhone's Home button to bring you to the iPhone's main application list. Load Fake-An-Excuse and select the excuse you want to play, and hit Play Excuse.Download it Now!!
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