Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
5:00 AM
Ever needed a good excuse to get away? Set the timer, and GottaGo will "call" you back so you can pretend like you're taking a phone call!Features- Realistic home screen and incoming call for both iPhone and iPod Touch Users- 10 original ringtones composed by Ross Casey with 5 downloadable for personal use (iPhone only)- Vibration option- Contact Name/Location Settings- Graceful escape from awkward situationsTap info button for instructions on how to download included ringtones.Version 1.0.5 (currently in review):- Disabled auto-locking for more realistic calls- Added option to quit to true Home screen after "End Call"- Added option to hide countdown- "Decline" button quits to true Home screenVersion 1.1 plan:Fixes:- Vibration option will turn on alert sound for iPod TouchAdd new features:- Select user contacts- Select user backgrounds- Ability to change carrier name (for international users)Add new ringtones:Less musical, more like Apple's built-in ringtones!! New in this version: New Features- Text Mode internationalized for all languages (i.e. "Text From Gabriella" - English, "Gabriella@からのSMS"- Japanese, "SMS от Gabriella" - Russian)- Text Mode added "Wallpaper" and "Pre-Text Image" options- Call Mode button images now show when "pressed" (image will dim). Call Mode "Hold" and "Mute" buttons will also show blue selection now- New Option: "Black Screen" when selecting "Pre-Call/Pre-Text Image." This will show an all-black image until the Call or Text is displayed.Fixes- Fixed text message bug when inputting > 100 characters (would lock field from further editing). Text message field also increased to 160 characters.
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