Hi Everyone!! These are not a good news!! But We've have to moved to the developers site!! Where crakers & Developers do all work!! All that goes later to appulos content!! So If you want all exclusive!! We'll be working in this site:
Any Post in here Will take You to the forum!! But You need to be registered!! Its free Do it!! Please register!! If You want to see the download links there you'll have to leave a reply before!!
Posted by DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
2:19 PM
Shaman King
Ahora Aloware con Anime!! Trabajando para darles lo mejor!! El lunes sacaremos el siguiente capítulos, el 99, y mientras tanto, aquí está el undécimo tomo de Shaman King. Para los que prefieren verlo con el CDisplay en vez de descomprimirlo, sólo tienen que renombrarlo como .cbr.