Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
5:05 PM
BlogPress is the missing blogging App for iPhone. It is designed with rich features and easy to use. Write your blog or travel log on the road, share news and photos with your friends in real time!!"There were a lot of things I enjoyed about this app, the first being able to publish both images and text together on a single post ..."-- Reviews from BlogPress have some killer highlighted features you must know:* A mini Rich-text, WYSIWYG editor: BlogPress editor is as easy as Word. Placing your photos anywhere in the text is now a few taps away!! even you don't know html code. The posts will look the same as your editing. * No limitation and easy-to-use photo uploader. You can upload MORE THEN ONE photo in a single post to any supported platform. Photos will be uploaded either to your own Picasa Web Album or to BlogPress Public Album hosted by us. Thumbnails will be auto generated and link to the full size images. * Write once, multiple posts: By just one click!! you can send the same post to multiple blogs at various platforms. If you have more than one blog, this will definitely be a handy feature for you.
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