Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
4:45 PM
Doe this sound at all famiiar....Someone - a girlfriend, boss, colleague, friend or child - picks up your cool new iPhone. Within seconds they're hypnotized by the beauty of the form factor, the sheer coolness of using the touchscreen, the awesome graphics, the tilt sensitive controls... "Wow! Gee this is awesome! It's like from the future man!"You beam with pride, smug in the satisfaction that you are the coolest person on the planet! It's like showing a caveman fire for the first time! That is until things come to a grinding halt!" Err (insert name) What's this?! "Aggghhh! Their random button pressing has somehow led them to stumble across your private collection of cats in bikinis wearing high-heels (*insert alternate vice here).You try and muster an explanation - 'errr um I'm researching the effects of high heels on cats ability to land on their feet ?', but it's no good you been busted! Your secret shame has been outed for the world to see!
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