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DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
9:16 AM
A multi-format ebook reader for iPhone and iPod Touch.Read your own ebooks or discover new titles for free!Access thousands of free books -- from the classics of literature to the newest Creative Commons licensed SciFi. BookShelf downloads free books from right on your iPhone. Access your purchased books or choose from the Baen library of dozens of free SciFi titles. Load many types of files from your own computer over your WiFi network.BookShelf supports ebooks in plain-text, HTML, Palm (see below), FB2, and several other formats (see the website for an up-to-date list). Using the included ShelfServer, e-books with pictures and clickable links are transferred from your Mac, Windows, or Linux computer over WiFi. Books are automatically compressed and optimized for best display on the iPhone's small screen. Even large, multi-megabyte e-text files open and display in seconds. Create named bookmarks to keep your place in any file type, and customize font and color themes for maximum comfort. Navigate through links in files and open website and email links in Safari or Mail.Downloading e-book files:A WiFi network is required to transfer books between your iPhone and your home computer. See to download the free ShelfServer application (Java 1.5 or newer required). Books may also be downloaded from online ShelfServers like the SciFi library or from directly on your iPhone over WiFi or cellular data connection.New in version 2.0, some Palm OS files can be downloaded directly on your iPhone using Safari without the need for the ShelfServer application. Direct downloading requires a special "bookmarklet" saved in your Safari bookmarks list from your computer. See the website for details and to get the bookmarklet.Reading in Airplane Mode is no problem. No Internet connection is required once books are transferred.PalmOS Format Support:Supported Palm etext formats currently include Plucker, PalmDoc (Aportis), and many non-DRM (non-encrypted) Mobi files. Most purchased Mobi files including those from or Kindle will NOT work. Anything which required a "PID" or "reader ID" at time of purchase will not work. Notably, purchased Mobi files from and the Baen Free Library DO work fine. Support for the newer "HuffDict" compression format in Mobi files is limited. Many HuffDict files work fine, but some display with visible HTML tags and other artifacts. Other PDB and PRC file types including iSilo and eReader are NOT supported at this time.Getting help:Be sure to checkout the website ( for instructional videos and tutorials.
New in this version: New Features:* Support for ePub format books (needs latest ShelfServer)Bug fixes:* Crash and other minor issues fixed* Cover art was covered by description text if title and/or author were very short.* Direct (bookmarklet) downloads with spaces in the filename would fail.Download It Now!!
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