Twittelator Pro v2.0 - Cracked (Exclusive Update)
Posted by DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
12:06 PM

New in this version: - Beautiful new User Interface:- complete tweet design makeover - themes for night, daylight and indoor- configure your top categories on TabBar- badges show number of new tweets- Much faster:- scroll speed greatly increased- refresh speed greatly increased- Wide tweet composing window (turn for landscape)- See anyone's full scale avatar- Shows yfrog.com, twitpic and Pikchur images inline- Shows and plays song.ly mp3s- Stock Portfolio list for instant stock searches- Send links to Instapaper- Email tweets- Online Help- Option to load favorite tab bar items on launch- Option to make refresh refresh all items on tab bar- Option to load SubGroups via Server (people with protected status)- Choice of 4 URL shortening services: bit.ly, href.in, piurl.com and is.gd- Tap name to reply, private, copy, retweet, copy link, to Instapaper, favorite or delete- Tap paperclip to follow links, pictures, stocks or #hashtags- Tap conversation bubble to see conversation- Tap tweeter pic to drill into tweeter - or choice if other tweeters mentioned in tweet- Double-tap lower tweets to page down or higher tweet to page up- Tap toolbar to page up, tap twice to go to top. (This App Has Been Requested & Here They Have It Our Exclusive Update 2.0)