Posted by
DWANEO & Aloware Mobile
7:46 PM
Finally, a way to access virtual worlds on the iPhone and iPod Touch!Second Life and Opensim rely on high-end computing hardware and broadband for a full, immersive virtual world experience. But what about when you're away from your computer, at school, at work, traveling, or when you simply don't have the time to launch the full SL Viewer?Sometimes all you want to do is log in and chat, maybe send a few Instant Messages.Now you can with Sparkle IM.Log in to your Second Life or Opensim account and begin chatting right from your iPhone or iPod Touch.Sparkle IM has these vital features:- Send and receive IMs- Send and receive offline IMs- Region chat- Send teleport requests- Accept friend requests- Change your start location- Use over wifi, EDGE, or 3G(More features coming soon in free updates. Don't worry - we won't abandon you.)Sparkle IM supports SecondLife, SL Beta Grid, OSGrid (Opensim), and any other custom server connection compatible with Opensim/SL.Use Sparkle IM and connect to virtual worlds, no matter where you are in the real world.Visit for more information about Sparkle IM.From Genkii, bringing you useful communications and entertainment products like Sparkle and One Coin Comics. Check our site for more details!New in this version: This update fixes the problem with logging in if you have over 250 friends.Download It Now!!
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